Completions, Commissioning & Startup.

Engineers onsite

Ensure all your systems and equipment is functioning correctly before full-scale operations begin through quality commissioning planning & execution.

Our highly-experienced and multi-disciplined team of engineers can deliver predictable and cost-effective outcomes that will make your operations more reliable and efficient.

Technical expertise combined with robust completion, commissioning and start-up (CCS) processes to identify and solve issues ahead of costly interruptions.

Easily implement transformational change. Simplify your systems and maximise productivity. Engineering projects designed with the final objective in mind.

Flexibility, Agility & Improved Profitability

For complete visibility across an entire project, we use industry-leading CCS software to provide quality and cost certainty – and prioritise the schedules of work.

We understand that an efficient commissioning process means fewer operational interruptions and a faster start-up, allowing you to enjoy lower operational costs and higher profitability.

Drawing on many years of expertise and understanding, we will support your project through each different phase of project management – from conception and initiation to planning, execution, performance and monitoring.

We also have a highly-mobile team with vast experience of delivering commissioning start-up and stay-up support across a variety of sectors.

Our Core Completions, Commissioning & Start-Up services

You can trust us to deliver predictable outcomes at every stage of the CCS lifecycle and finish your project to the highest-possible standards. On schedule and budget.

To ensure a smooth transition from pre-commissioning into the commissioning activities, we develop a plan in close partnership with all internal stakeholders and third-party contractors.

  • Project Management through lifecycle
  • Compliance to CDM Regulations
  • Project execution planning
  • Contracts & cost control
  • Project troubleshooting & intervention
  • Commissioning lifecycle planning
  • Systems completions
  • FEED planning & Pre-commissioning
  • Commissioning readiness reviews
  • Commissioning execution
  • Start-up & Stay-up support
  • Project intervention & validation
  • Operations readiness & assurance
  • Philosophies & Procedures Development
Engineers onsite

Our Key Principles

Flexible & Tailored Support

We work in partnership with our clients to offer as much or as little hands-on assistance as each project requires.

Fundamental Sector Experience

We have extensive experience in Oil & Gas, Chemical, Process, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Renewables.

3D Laser Scanning & Models

Using cutting-edge laser scanning technology, we can create an accurate 3D model of your site to see the improvements our design solutions provide.

Comprehensive Project Knowledge

Our expertise allows us to assist with streamlining operations, improving efficiency and improving internal processes.

Cyber Essentials